5 Unexpected Things That You Can Experience After Having a Baby

Having children is the most priceless gift. This happiness will be accompanied by a number of unexpected changes that can approach your new world as parents. Mother and Father may have done various preparations, both in terms of physical and mental, in order to welcome the presence of The Baby. But in practice, Mother and Father can find things that are not like the previous shadow.

Some Things that Mother and Father Can Experience After Having a Baby

The following are unexpected things that could happen in the life of Mother and Father after Little was born into the world:

1. All time is taken only for the Little One

Newborns can sleep up to 18 hours every day. However, do not be happy just yet. Babies do not sleep continuously that long. Little will sleep for just a few hours, then wake up to drink milk or change diapers. This is what can take up time and make many parents less rest. The process of putting her to sleep after awakening is also often not easy. But calm, Little Sleep patterns do not last forever, really. Usually after the age of 6 months, the baby's sleep patterns are regular. In addition, Mother and Father also have adapted and began to be able to predict the sleep pattern of the Little One after a few weeks of his birth. Well, one of the tricks that Mother and Father can do to avoid fatigue when following the sleep pattern of the Little One is to take a rest when he sleeps.

2. Nighttime is not the time to sleep well

Before having a baby, Mother and Father could sleep at night without interruption. But after Little was present, busy taking care of him and sleep patterns that are still not regular can reduce the rest time Mother and Father at night. This can be a challenge, because normally, the body is not programmed to be awake at night. To work around this, Mother and Father can share the schedule of who will take care of the Little One when awakened at night. This is so Mother and Father can both steal time off at night when the Little Awake.

3. There is a hatred for a partner

After giving birth, Mother can experience mood swings, even baby blues syndrome. Factors suspected of triggering this condition are hormonal changes and fatigue that you feel. Various symptoms can be experienced by mothers who experience baby blues, including the emergence of feelings of hate, annoyance, fear, or do not want to see the baby, even a partner. When you experience this, one way you can do is talk with your partner about what he feels, and ask for help and support from him. Usually changes in mood after giving birth will improve with time. But if complaints are felt to get worse, or even to the point of wanting to hurt yourself or your child, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor, Mother.

4. Interest in returning to pursue a career is reduced

Before having Little, maybe Mother and Father both have ideals or dreams. For example, Mother has a dream of being a career woman, or Father wants to continue her study abroad. After having Little, Mother and Father can still struggle, but maybe the portion will start to be divided. Especially if you already feel the warmth with Little One, will build a bond that makes Mother and Father like unable to be far from him.

5. Don't be a parent according to theory

Various kinds of articles or books about parenting or parenting may have been Mother and Father read before Little One was present. But when practicing it in the real world, Mother and Father may not be able to fully follow what is explained by the theory. Don't feel like a failure just yet. When becoming a parent and having a baby, Mother and Father will learn many things, deal with surprising things, and find parenting techniques that are most suitable for the conditions of Mother and Father. Do not hesitate to continue learning, yes, it is to other parents, doctors, or people who have experience in raising children.


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