This Causes Headaches During Menstruation and and How to Overcome It

If you often experience headaches before or during your period, you are not alone. About 60% of women who have a history of migraines outside the menstrual cycle also experience migraines during menstruation. These headaches can be triggered by several factors, and one of them is the hormonal changes that occur during menstruation. Headaches during menstruation can appear at any time, but usually two days before menstruation up to three days after menstruation ends. In terms of age, headaches during menstruation can be felt by women since adolescence, during productive age, until near menopause.

Causes of Headaches during Menstruation

For more details, here are the causes of headaches during menstruation along with an explanation:

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes that occur during menstruation can trigger headaches. Decreased levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone before menstruation can affect chemical compounds in the brain. The effect, some women may experience headaches during menstruation.

Low iron levels

The amount of blood that comes out during menstruation can trigger headaches. This is because when losing a lot of blood, the body is vulnerable to iron deficiency. Well, low levels of iron are what trigger headaches during menstruation.

How to Overcome Headaches during Menstruation

To relieve headaches during menstruation, there are several steps that can be done, namely:

1. Place a cold compress on the head

To help relieve headaches during menstruation, you can compress a painful area of ​​the neck or head with a cold compress.

2. Limit consumption of certain foods and drinks

To prevent and reduce headaches, you are advised to limit consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and foods that contain MSG. In addition, foods containing high tyramine, such as avocados, bananas, smoked fish, chocolate, and dried fruit, should also be avoided because they can trigger headaches.

3. Reduce salt consumption

Reducing salt consumption can also be done to help relieve and prevent menstrual headaches. This is because excessive salt consumption can increase blood pressure and trigger headaches.

4. Manage stress well

For headaches when menstruation subsides, try to manage stress well. The method varies, from actively exercising, doing meditation, breathing in fresh air, to doing fun activities.

5. Avoid strong scents

To help cope with headaches during menstruation, avoid exposure to strong scented ingredients, such as perfume, air pollution, cleaning products, and food flavorings made from chemicals.

6. Take magnesium supplements

Magnesium supplements can be taken to reduce menstrual headaches. However, you need to consult a doctor first before taking this supplement.

7. Do regular exercise

Exercising regularly can help reduce the risk of headaches during menstruation. Before exercising, don't forget to drink enough water, eat high-protein foods, and warm up.

8. Take pain medication

Taking pain medication can also be one way to reduce headaches during menstruation. But before taking it, you need to consult a doctor. You are also advised to make notes whenever a headache occurs when menstruation appears. In addition to helping you understand the pattern of headaches, this note can also be taken when carrying out an examination to the doctor to help doctors find the right treatment. If the headaches when menstruation does not decrease or even gain weight, you should see a doctor to get the right treatment.


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