Do Men Need to Wash Gender After Urinating

In Indonesia, cleaning the genitals with water after urinating is associated with religious guidance. Apparently from a medical perspective, these habits are very useful in maintaining personal hygiene. This habit is very important to maintain male genital functions such as erection, ejaculation, and reproduction remain optimal.

Cleanse thoroughly

When men urinate, it's best to make sure all the urine has come out completely. This is very possible because male urinary tract is not straight so it has the potential to leave a little urine. To ensure that urine has come out completely, you can shake your penis briefly. If necessary, gently press the urethra around the scrotum or scrotum pouch as in this section it is usually left behind remnants of urine. In addition, you can wipe the penis hole to clean the remaining urine. There is no medical source that states that the penis must be washed using water after urination. In addition to being finished urinating, cleanliness of the genital area must also be maintained every day. It is recommended to clean the penis with water every day. If necessary, use soap without perfume. A circumcised penis is easier to clean, but on an uncircumcised penis, it is important to clean the side of the skin behind the foreskin of the penis. Pull the foreskin back and wash with soap and water on the inside. Then, return the foreskin to its original position. The uncircumcised part of the foreskin of the penis can become a den of bacteria that can trigger urinary tract infections. In addition, male genital infections can also be caused by fungus around the tip and foreskin of the penis. Therefore, maintaining the cleanliness of the penis is very important in order to maintain health. If you are not accustomed to washing genitals with water after urinating, it is advisable to wash at least once every day. Parts of the genitals that need to be cleaned are the penis, the scrotum, the hair around the genital organs, and the anal area.

Tips for Maintaining Men's Gender Health

Do not underestimate the benefits of the habit of cleaning the genital area for men. In addition to washing genitals after urinating, men can also adopt healthy habits, such as:
  • Change panties every day. Specifically, change underwear after exercising.
  • Do not use powder or deodorant on the penis because it can cause irritation
  • Use condoms during sex to prevent sexually transmitted infections. This is important to do, especially if you have more than one sexual partner.
  • To prevent transmission of the HPV virus (human papillomavirus) as a cause of genital warts, you can vaccinate before the age of 26 years.
  • Actively exercising. If done regularly, this activity can reduce the risk of erectile disorders.
  • Limit your intake of alcoholic drinks to no more than two drinks per day. If excessive, alcohol can reduce testosterone levels.
  • Checking the condition of genitals regularly can help recognize a disturbance or change.
Washing the genitals with water after urinating can help maintain genital hygiene and health. Consult a doctor if urinary disorders or problems with other reproductive functions occur.


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